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When Salespeople Ring Your Doorbell, Know Your Rights

When salespeople come to your door, they may talk you into buying something you don’t really want or need. It can harder to say “no” to a person who is at your doorstep or actually inside your home than it might be in a store or when making an online purchase. Door-to-door salespeople can play on your emotions, and they can pressure you to buy something before you have had a chance to think it through. Then, you may regret it later.

Luckily for Californians, our state has strong laws protecting Consumer Rights. California law can help you when you have second thoughts about a purchase you made from a door-to-door seller.

If you made such a purchaseyou have the right to cancel the service or return the purchased item and get all your money back. But, there is an important catch — you must put the cancellation into writing, and you must do so within three days of the purchase. So don’t delay!

If you do miss the three-day deadline, you may still have a chance to get your money back if you can show that the salesperson used fraudulent sales tactics. You might want to consult a lawyer who is experienced in consumer law to find out more about what your options may be.

Next time someone comes to your door trying to sell something, you can head off problems at the outset by taking your time, reading the contract, and resisting any pressure to buy something when you are not sure you really want it.

If your consumer rights have been violated, please contact us for a free case evaluation.