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Things to do After Motor Vehicle Accidents

No one wants to be in a car accident, but it happens to everyone once in a while. But it’s important that you remember a few things after an accident so that you don’t make things worse for yourself. The last thing that you want is to make the situation worse by saying something that could be used against you or that could turn it into a road rage incident.

Below are some tips that you should remember immediately following an accident to make things easier on everyone.

Stay calm

This is something that is simple but essential. You were just in an accident and you have an adrenaline high. Becoming angry and yelling at the other person isn’t going to help matters and it’s not going to get your car fixed. It also could hurt your automobile accident claim.

Check for injuries

Look at yourself and anyone else that was in the car with you to see if there were injuries. Also, ask the other person if they are injured. If there are injuries, make sure that you call the ambulance. But don’t risk getting sued because you were negligent at the scene.

Phone the Police

Call the emergency number and let them know there’s been an accident. Tell them where you are, how many cars were involved, and if there are any injuries.

Get the information from the other driver

The following things should be noted when you are getting their information:

  • Name and ID number of their license
  • The license plate ID of their car
  • The name of their insurers and the number of their policy. Check to be sure their policy hasn’t expired.
    If there’s a name on their policy that’s different from the driver’s name, get the contact information of the person who holds the insurance. This is the information that you will use to contact that insurance company so that you can start your automobile accident claim.

Take notes and pictures for your claim

If you have a mobile phone or a camera with you, take a lot of pictures of the scene where the accident happened. Also you want to make some notes about what happened during the accident since now is when you are going to remember things the best. All of this information is going to be useful when you are making your automobile accident claim. Don’t rely on your memory of the accident, because you have enough on your mind as it is.

Go to the hospital if injured

If you or someone who was in the car with you at the time of the accident is injured, it’s a good idea to be checked out at the hospital. This will help your claim and it will show that your injuries were because of the accident and not because of something else.

If there were injuries because of the accident, it’s also a good idea to consult an attorney. Find one that specializes in personal injury law and get his or her advice on how to proceed.