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New California Hands-Free Texting Law Is Dangerous

Over the vast couple of weeks, California motorists have been able to text message, and send and receive e-mails while driving as long as they’re using a voice operated system or hands-free set. However, California car accident lawyers fear that this practice simply increases the number of inattentive drivers on our roads.

A new law allowing motorists to use voice-operated sets to send and receive text messages while driving, recently went into effect. The law seems to be very poorly thought out. There is an increasing body of evidence that has indicated that a person’s attention is affected if he is using a cell phone while driving, no matter whether it is a hands-free set or a handheld cell phone. In fact, a hands-free set may be more dangerous, because a person may be under the false security that he’s using a hands-free set, and is therefore safe.

Several studies including those conducted by the University of Utah have clearly shown that people are significantly impaired when they use a cell phone, no matter whether a handheld cell phone or a hands-free set. For example, in one particular study conducted by the University of Utah, cell phone users and their driving performance were compared to drivers under the influence of alcohol, using a simulator.

The researchers found that the cognitive impairment in the participants who were using a cell phone was almost similar to the participants who were driving with a blood alcohol level of .08%.

This is no need for more evidence about the dangers of using a cell phone while driving, regardless of whether it is a hands-free set or a handheld phone. Allowing drivers to receive and send text messages while driving using a voice operated set, places motorists in danger.