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Lawmaker’s Aide Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

A former aide to US Representative Blake Farenthold, R-Texas is suing the lawmaker, alleging that she was wrongfully terminated, and that she was frequently subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace.

The lawsuit has been filed by Lauren Greene, who worked as a new media director and communications director at the office of Representative Blake Farenthold. According to the allegations, she was subjected to sexual harassment and other forms of undesirable behavior in the workplace. Her former employer, she says, regularly drank excessively, and at one point, informed one of his staff members that he frequently had sexual fantasies about Greene.

He once told her, according to the lawsuit, that she had something on her skirt, trying to imply that she had semen on her skirt. In fact, according to the lawsuit, he frequently made comments like this that were designed to harass her, and to gauge if she would be interested in a sexual relationship with him.

The lawsuit names harassment, not just by the lawmaker, but also by his Chief of Staff. She claims that she once complained to Representative Farenthold about the Chief of Staff’s behavior towards her, calling him harassing and condescending. the Representative told her to stand up for herself, and that he would support her. Less than a month after that meeting, she was fired.

Farenthold is currently serving out his third term in Congress. The lawsuit is claiming unspecified damages.

Sexual harassment in the workplace can take any number of forms. From lewd gestures and off-color jokes, to outright assault, such harassment can occur in any number of forms that are designed to make you feel uncomfortable and intimidated. If you are facing sexual harassment in the workplace, you have rights under the law that you can protect. Speak to a California sexual harassment lawyer about your options.