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Federal Agencies Release Updated Guide on Employment Rights of LGBT Workers

Four federal agencies have come up with an updated manual that aims to educate lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender workers on the rights available to them under the law. The four agencies are the US Office of Personnel Management, the US Office of Special Counsel, the US Merit Systems Protection Board and Equal Employment Diversity Commission.

The manual titled Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination in Federal Civilian Employment: A Guide to Employment Rights, Protections and Responsibilities is being issued in a brand-new form. It is more than a decade since the manual was last updated, and the new version contains several revisions that are designed to reflect the changes in the law.

Basically, the manual provides LGBT workers with a clear picture of all their rights and responsibilities in the employment sector. It explains to them the kind of behavior that could constitute discrimination, based on sexual orientation or gender, and also informs them of all the legal options that they have when they are faced with such discrimination.

The manual also clearly defines what are the definitions of key terms like gender identity and sexual orientation as well as the responsibilities of each individual agency in helping promote workplaces that are free from such discrimination.

If you are an LGBT worker, who is currently facing discrimination or harassment in the workplace, you may have legal options to address your concerns. Speak to a California employment lawyer about your legal options, and ascertain your rights. You could possibly file a claim that can help you acquire damages for your losses.