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Employment law and the sick or injured: Have you been unlawfully terminated?

Becoming ill or being injured is difficult and stressful under any circumstance. Unfortunately, some employers choose to break the law and throw unlawful termination into the mix.

Employees in California are protected from discrimination that is a result of a medical condition. There are federal and state laws in place ensuring employees receive fair and just treatment by their employer if they become sick or injured.

The Spencer Law Firm helps people like you navigate the intricate laws that govern employment and illness/injury every day.

Because there are certain filing requirements before a case is eligible to be filed in a court of law, we encourage you to contact us immediately. In California victims of wrongful termination are required to file with either the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH). Both agencies have very strict time limit requirements. If you wait too long to file you will not be allowed to move forward with your case.

There are times when filing a case in state court would be more advantageous to you. At The Spencer Law Firm we will work with you to determine if you have a viable case. We will help you determine if a federal court or state court would be the ideal venue for you to present your case.

It is important to remember to refrain from doing things like “trashing” your former employer on social media. Such missteps can doom a case before it even starts.

We encourage you to contact our Employment Law legal team to guide you through this very complicated process and help you avoid common mistakes that could destroy your case.