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EEOC Files Disability, Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit against South Carolina Nursing Home

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit against a South Carolina nursing home on behalf of a former employee.

According to the lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the nursing home hired the woman as a full-time nurse in 2002. At the time that it hired the nose, it was aware that she suffered from a condition called paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. This is a cardiac condition that is characterized by severe fatigue, nausea, accelerated heartbeat and even blackouts. The condition is controlled by medication.

In 2012, the woman found out that she was pregnant, and doctors advised her to stop taking the medication for her condition, because of the adverse effect that it could have on her pregnancy. The woman’s symptoms intensified as a result, and she took three days off work to take rest and recover from the symptoms. Upon her return to work, she was fired from her position.

The Equal Employment Commission in its lawsuit alleges that the employer failed to provide the woman reasonable accommodations for her pregnancy, and fired her because of her disability. The lawsuit is seeking a number of damages, including compensation and punitive damages in addition to back pay.

The law against all types of discrimination including disability discrimination is very stringent. If you have been in a position where you have faced discriminatory practices or harassment in the workplace, because of a medical condition that impairs your ability to function, talk to a California employment lawyer about your legal options.