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Class Action Lawsuits Filed Against Whole Foods

When unjust actions are taken against employees by employers, the workers may feel understandably distressed by their situations. If individuals faced retaliation in the form of wrongful termination or other negative actions for speaking out against unfair business practices, they may wish to consider their class action legal options.

It was recently reported that nine former managers of various Whole Foods locations have filed a class action lawsuit against the company due to what they believe was retaliation. The managers had spoken out against an alleged company practice that involved not paying employees bonuses that they had earned through Whole Foods’ “Gainsharing” program. As a result of calling out the company on this practice, the nine individuals were investigated and subsequently dismissed from their positions.

The former employees believe that the internal investigation conducted was a “sham,” and they are pursuing legal action as a result of their wrongful terminations. Whole Foods also stands accused of defamation as the company reported that the managers themselves were stealing bonuses from other employees. Each plaintiff is hoping to obtain $25 million in compensation for damages.

Staying quiet when it comes to questionable practices carried out by companies may seem like the easy way out. However, allowing these practices to continue may cause workers to face considerable hardships. If California residents have spoken out against issues within their work environments and were retaliated against, they may wish to explore their options for seeking legal action of their own. Information on class action lawsuits and other relevant information may prove useful, and interested parties may wish to contact the Spencer Law Firm for assistance.