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Class Action Case Against Coconut Water Company

Because of a recent class action case, Harmless Harvest Inc. will be paying almost $1 million and changing the labels on their coconut water. This includes $575,000 in attorney fees and $350,000 in claims, administration, and notice costs. The company will also have to undergo an independent reviewing of their product labels for accuracy for a two-year period.

The main issue with the coconut water’s label comes from the use of the terms “100 percent Organic” as well as “Raw.” Both statements are said to be false and misleading. According to the plaintiffs, at least a portion of the coconut water was not organic despite the company labeling it as such.

Converting a conventional coconut plantation into an organic plantation takes time. To be organically certified, the crops cannot receive any synthetic chemicals, including fertilizers or pesticides for at least three years. The plaintiffs in the case claim the company made consumers think they had complied with these regulations.

Instead, the plaintiffs say that the company obtained at least some of their coconuts from non-organic sources. This includes getting them from coconut plantations that do not have organic certification, purchasing them directly from street vendors whose supply source is unknown, and getting them from individuals who claimed the coconuts were organic even when they were not. They also claim that the company obtained false organic certification of some of their products.

The plaintiffs claim Harmless Harvest knew consumers wanted healthier products and that consumers would pay more for products with “organic” and “raw” labels. According to the plaintiffs, the company cheated consumers out of money by falsely labeling their products as “100 percent Organic” and “Raw.”

Class action cases take the efforts of many people to be effective. If you would like to know more about being involved in a class action case, contact us.