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Chick-Fil-A Has History of Workplace Discrimination

Fast food chain Chick-fil-A has recently been in the spotlight due to its anti-gay policies, and strong support for anti-gay groups. However, the chain’s position against homosexuality is not the only kind of discrimination that Chick-fil-A has been guilty of. A look at the chain’s history will show any California employment lawyer that Chick-fil-A has a poor record where workplace discrimination is concerned.

A look at the company’s history shows that Chick-fil-A has been sued at least 12 times since 1988 alone based on workplace discrimination and sexual harassment. In one lawsuit that was filed in 2002, a former restaurant manager at the chain, who happens to be a Muslim, sued the chain, alleging that he was fired because he did not participate in a Christian prayer meeting. That lawsuit was settled.

Recently, a former female employee at Chick-fil-A in Georgia filed a lawsuit against the chain. Her lawsuit alleged that she and other female employees were subjected to gender discrimination. According to her lawsuit, during her stint as a general manager at one of the chain stores, she was frequently subjected to remarks that as a mother, she should be at home with her children, and not working.

Her lawsuit alleged that there was a specific pattern of discrimination against women at the chain. One manager at the Georgia restaurant was demoted after she had her baby, and was replaced by a man. Several other women have also alleged that the Georgia restaurant demoted them without any cause.

In California, another lawsuit filed against a Chick-fil-A restaurant alleged sexual harassment. According to plaintiffs, when they took their complaints of sexual harassment to the owner of the restaurant, they were fired, and reported to immigration authorities in an attempt to have them deported from the country.