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Consumer Rights When It Comes to Canceling Certain Contracts

As a consumer, you are afforded certain consumer rights when it comes to entering into a contract and having the opportunity to change your mind and cancel. This is referred to as a “cooling off period”. This applies to contracts regarding trade show sales, home equity loans and second mortgages, and automobile purchases. Some laws allow consumers to cancel contracts regarding dating services or gym memberships.

Trade-Show Sales

As part of the Federal Trade Commission cooling off rules, you can cancel a contract by midnight of the third business day after you entered into a contract for the following:

  • A contract of $25 or more made in a venue that was not the normal place of business for the seller. The rule does not apply to craft shows, insurance, securities or public automobile auctions.
  • A door-to-door contract for $25 or more as long as the services or goods purchased are intended for family, household or personal purposes.

You are allowed to the simple reason of changing your mind as the reason why you want to cancel your contract.

Second Mortgages/Home Equity Loans

Under the same time-frame as before, you’re allowed to cancel a contract for:

  • A second mortgage
  • A home equity loan
  • A loan where your home is pledged as security (excluding a first mortgage)

The lender must advise about your right to cancel and provide you with a cancellation form.

If you are unsure as to whether or not a contract you entered into can be canceled under the “cooling off” laws, contact us.

Employment Law: Whistleblowers and Health Care Fraud

There are several obstacles to detecting fraud in health care. For example, a patient will have treatment described in a medical chart but will have diagnostic billing codes in a separate billing statement. While a payer could request the chart for comparison with the billing statement, the simple volume of work makes this routinely infeasible.

Since these two pieces of information are together in the medical facility that provided treatment, billing workers in these offices are most likely to know if fraud is occurring. Detecting fraud depends on honest medical workers disclosing their concerns.

The law that makes it possible to expose billing fraud is the False Claims Act (FCA), which dates back to 1863 and was originally passed to control fraud in military procurement during the Civil War. In cases such as this, the legal dispute is really between the US Government and the medical treatment facility, for Medicare/Medicaid cases. The critical person (the knowledgeable whistleblower) does not have standing, in the normal legal sense.

In the FCA, a provision known as qui tam addresses this. The whistleblower is called a relator and is allowed to join a suit with the government. The information held by whistleblowers is so valuable that the FCA provides for the whistleblower to share in any recovered money from the case. In a large case in Tucson, a billing worker received $6 million out of the total $35 million recovered.

Taking on a medical fraud case through the FCA is a big step. Before doing so, it is advisable to understand the full impact of such a decision and to have family support. If litigation is pursued, strong, experienced representation is critical. Please contact us.

When Salespeople Ring Your Doorbell, Know Your Rights

When salespeople come to your door, they may talk you into buying something you don’t really want or need. It can harder to say “no” to a person who is at your doorstep or actually inside your home than it might be in a store or when making an online purchase. Door-to-door salespeople can play on your emotions, and they can pressure you to buy something before you have had a chance to think it through. Then, you may regret it later.

Luckily for Californians, our state has strong laws protecting Consumer Rights. California law can help you when you have second thoughts about a purchase you made from a door-to-door seller.

If you made such a purchaseyou have the right to cancel the service or return the purchased item and get all your money back. But, there is an important catch — you must put the cancellation into writing, and you must do so within three days of the purchase. So don’t delay!

If you do miss the three-day deadline, you may still have a chance to get your money back if you can show that the salesperson used fraudulent sales tactics. You might want to consult a lawyer who is experienced in consumer law to find out more about what your options may be.

Next time someone comes to your door trying to sell something, you can head off problems at the outset by taking your time, reading the contract, and resisting any pressure to buy something when you are not sure you really want it.

If your consumer rights have been violated, please contact us for a free case evaluation.

Tips for Selecting a Primary Care Physican From an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’re like most people, when it comes to choosing your primary care doctor, you probably rely on word of mouth. Your friends, co-workers and family members will all give you advice on the best doctor in town. You can also go online to find health care providers in your area. This can be beneficial for a number of reasons, and it’s important that you choose someone you trust. The last thing you ever want is to become a victim of medical malpractice and personal injury.

Online Medical Provider Selection

Going online to choose your medical provider can have many advantages, especially if you look into doctors who trusting family and friends have suggested. Online tools can help you find online reviews and ratings, and help you find and confirm a doctor’s credentials.

Reviews are only a portion of your research. They provide general insight but keep in mind that some reviews don’t always offer objective opinions.

Credentials provide a big piece of the puzzle. You’ll want to look for certification by at least one of the 24 boards that make up the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Red Flag Warnings

Be on the look out for red flags. They include disciplinary actions and medical malpractice claims. While good doctors can get sued, you don’t want someone who has a few claims filed against them. If there’s a negative pattern in the online reviews, move on.

A Personal Visit

Once you’ve selected a few doctors, make appointments to visit their offices. You’ll want to connect with not only the doctor but the staff as well. Consider whether the doctor listens to you without interrupting. Does he answer your questions fully? Do you feel as though the doctor truly cares about you?

You’re your own best advocate, so trust your instincts when selecting a doctor. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself a victim of medical negligence, contact us.

Reasons Why You May Need an Attorney Experienced in Employment Law

If you’re not happy with your employer, whether it be because you’re treated unfairly, the work conditions are deplorable, or you’ve suffered some type of harassment, it’s possible you can do something about it. Retaining an employment attorney can help you sort through the process by filing a complaint and representing you in a dispute. However, it’s best to know what to expect before you retain an attorney experienced in employment law.

Employment Lawyer Duties

Lawyers that specialize in employment law represent clients in a number of different matters, including:

  • Mistreatment by their employer
  • Wrongfully terminated
  • Unemployment compensation matters

When You May Need an Employment Lawyer

A lawyer who practices in the area of employment law is useful if you believe your employer has breached an employee/employer contract you’re both a party to. If you feel you were wrongfully terminated, have suffered some type of harassment or discrimination in the workplace, or the conditions in the environment where you work are less than favorable, an employment lawyer can assist you with filing claims against your employer.

What to Expect

The entire process depends on the type of claim you wish to file against your employer. An employment lawyer will sit down with you and review the specific laws that pertain to your situation. If you’re successful, you may receive some type of compensation for the damages you’ve suffered.

Employees have rights, but many times employers ignore those rights, and employees don’t realize they have options. For more information on employment law and your rights as an employee, contact us.

Personal injury Settlements Require More Than a Computer Program

If you’ve been injured in some type of accident and are looking to file a personal injury claim, you may find it tempting to accept the insurance company’s offer to settle and be done with everything. After all, going through the process of a personal injury claim can be frustrating and stressful. Before you decide to accept the offer, consider the following information:

How Insurance Companies See the Injured Individual

Unfortunately, even though the laws mandate that the insurance company consider the individual’s own unique circumstances, many times the liable insurance companies compute their settlement offer based on a computer program, not the injured person’s own unique circumstances. This means that they don’t consider the age of the victim or the physical health of the victim.

Computing Pain and Suffering

When the insurance company plugs information into a computer in order to compute the “value” of your case, it is only taking into account the injuries at hand. Most compensation claims handled in personal injury cases take into account the value of pain and suffering, which is easy to compute once a judge listens to your story, trying to understand the emotional toll your injury has had on you. A computer program cannot do that.

Also, settlements should include the amount of any lost wages you’ve incurred as the result of the injuries, along with any anticipated medical treatment you may need in the future. In order to compute those values, you’ll need to provide an accounting of wages you’ve not received since your accident, along with a statement from your doctor of any anticipated treatment.

Retain An Attorney

While taking a settlement seems like the quick and easy way out, it’s really not that simple. In order to receive the compensation you deserve for the injuries you’ve sustained, contact us for a consultation.

Class Action Suit Seeks Claimants against Brazil’s Gerdau

On May 26, 2016, a New York law firm filed a class action suit against Gerdau, the largest steel manufacturer in South America; the suit alleges that the company mislead investors about tax liabilities and other material business issues, causing them to lose money.

Based in Porto Alegre, Gerdau (NYSE: GGB) is the latest Brazilian company to come under fire or face a lawsuit due to securities fraud and Brazilian corruption investigations. The lawsuit claims that Gerdau did not disclose that the company and its executives had bribed tax authorities, laundered illegal money and carried out influence peddling, all while defrauding Brazil’s tax revenue service of $429 million dollars.

Raids of the Gerdau offices by Brazilian Federal Police in March 2015 were a part of Operation Zelot, an investigation into tax fraud and bribery of tax revenue agents in Brazil. Operation Zelot uncovered a tax fraud scheme that reportedly included over 70 companies which had bribed members of the CARF, the Finance Ministry department that takes appeals on tax disputes.

In December, 2015, Gerdau was publicly named as a beneficiary of the tax fraud scheme, which caused its stock price to plummet more than seven percent.

At the end of February, Brazilian police carried out a more widespread raid on multiple Gerdau offices, armed with 20 court orders and 18 search warrants. Gerdau‘s CEO Andre Gerdau Johannpeter spoke via email by day’s end, and his statement said that the company had not authorized any illegal negotiations and that they abided by strict ethical standards. However, the next day, Gerdau stock prices fell an additional three percent.

Additionally, when the dust had settled, federal police had accused Gerdau of corruption and tax evasion and indicted 19 staff members, including CEO Johannpeter and other top executives. Again, stock prices fell more than seven percent on this news.

This lawsuit is part of a growing docket of securities fraud cases that were initially unearthed during probes into price-fixing, political kickbacks and bribery at state-led oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA in 2014.

Currently, the filing law firm is seeking investors that held Gerdau ADRs anytime from June 2, 2011 to May 15, 2016 as potential claimants in its lawsuit. A court must deem the suit meets a minimum criteria to proceed as a class-action suit.

If you are a potential class member, it is crucial that you know all of your rights as they pertain to this suit. Get advice from an experienced law firm that is knowledgeable about securities fraud, corruption, class-action suits and international law.

$1.75 Million Settlement in Class Action Employment Law Overtime Case

In California, employees who are not exempt from overtime rules must be paid overtime when they work more than eight hours per day. In a recent case, employees claimed that they should have been paid overtime for the time they spent waiting for mandatory bag checks.

The class-action lawsuit was brought on behalf of 7,300 employees of Coach, the luxury handbag and accessories manufacturer. The employees worked in Coach retail stores, and they alleged that they were required to submit to a bag check every time they left the store for a rest break, meal break, or when leaving the store at the end of their work shift.

The employees alleged that waiting for the bag checks could take up to 30 minutes per day. Each time they left, they had to clock out, find a manager, request the manager do a bag check, and then have the manager escort them out. 

The time spent on bag checks cut into the employees’ time for breaks and caused them to stay longer in the stores after their shifts were over.  The lawsuit claimed that this practice violated California’s wage and hour laws because the employees should have been paid for the time spent on the bag checks, and that for full-time employees, the pay should have been overtime pay.

The judge, in denying Coach’s motion to dismiss the case, found that 30 minutes per day was a significant amount of time. Rather than go to trial, Coach settled the lawsuit for $1.75 million.

Please contact us for more information on California overtime requirements or other aspects of Employment Law.

Consumer Rights: False Advertising

When you, as a consumer, view an advertisement for a product or service, you can reasonably expect that the ad portrays that product or service in a truthful manner. On the federal and state level, laws are in place to make sure that businesses do not violate this trust with their consumers. Consumers who have been subjected to false or misleading advertising may be entitled to compensation and should contact an attorney to learn about what actions can be taken. 

There are a few ways a business might mislead consumers through their advertisements, whether online, on television, on the radio, or somewhere else. They may make false claims about the price or quality of a product or service. One way a business may do this is by raising the price of a product, and then lowering it back to the original price, and falsely claiming that the product is on sale. This kind of tactic deceives the consumer and makes them think they are getting a bargain by purchasing the product at this price, when really they are just purchasing it at its regular price.  

There are many other ways to falsely advertise a product, and all hurt you – the consumer. Even if the financial loss from the deceiving advertisement wasn’t a great  amount, you can still potentially get your money back and more, as well as prevent the business in question from harming other consumers. Contact an experienced attorney today to take the next step towards justice and protect your rights as a consumer. 

U.S. Judges Defer Decisions to Settle Uber, Lyft Class-Action Lawsuits

Two U.S. judges deferred the decision to settle class-action lawsuits from Uber and Lyft drivers of Friday. 

Reuters notes, a $27 million settlement, brought about by Lyft, was deferred so that U.S. District Judge Vine Chabria could decide whether drivers from a separate lawsuit should get money from the deal. 

An Uber settlement, with a payout of up to $100 million, was also deferred by Judge Edward Chen, who said he would need more time to decide. 

If approved, the settlements would keep drivers on as independent contractors. The drivers, who sued the ride-sharing services, claimed that they should be considered employees and reimbursed for the expenses, like gas and car maintenance. They are also upset that the settlement amount is substantially lower than what they requested. 

The Verge claims that Uber has plans to add in options in their app that would make working easier for their drivers. Some of the changes include fining riders for long waits, upgrading its destination feature, and giving drivers company branded debit cards. 

The companies will receive decisions from both judges later this year. 

Both of the ride-sharing services have faced opposition around the world. Taxi-drivers have slammed the services for stealing customers and turning the industry upside down. Several states have voted to ban the services and many are planning to join in on the protest. The services are currently operating in states like, California, New York, and Miami. Several class-action lawsuits are pending. 

For more news on class action lawsuits, feel free to contact us.