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Howard v. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles Cemeteries Class Action

The Court has certified a class action against the Roman Catholic Arch Diocese for unfair business practices regarding the charges for Care and Maintenance in burial contracts from 1992 forward. The lawsuit alleges that, starting in 1992, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles engaged in deceptive and unfair business practices by charging a line item in burial contracts for Archdiocese of Los Angeles Cemeteries  for “Care and Maintenance” when, in reality, the money could be used for other purposes and some of the money was used  to settle claims brought by victims of sexual abuse. Plaintiff alleges that this conduct violated California law and that the class members are entitled to restitution of the money paid for “Care and Maintenance” and injunctive relief for the violations. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles has denied any wrongdoing. The Court has not decided whether the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles did anything wrong, and the case is currently scheduled to go to trial.”

List of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles Cemeteries

All Souls Cemetery
4400 Cherry Ave.
Long Beach, CA

Assumption Cemetery
1380 Fitzgerald Road
Simi Valley, CA

Calvary Cemetery Los Angeles
4201 Whittier Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Calvary Cemetery Santa Barbara
199 N. Hope Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA

Good Shepard Cemetery
43121 70th Street West
Lancaster, CA

Holy Cross Cemetery Pomona
444 E. Lexington Ave.
Pomona, CA

Holy Cross Cemetery Culver City
5835 W. Slauson Ave.
Culver City, CA

Queen of Heaven Cemetery
2161 S. Fullerton Road
Rowland Heights, CA

Resurrection Cemetery
966 N. Potrero Grand Drive
Rosemead, CA

San Fernando Mission Cemetery
11160 Stranwood Ave.
Mission Hills, CA

Santa Clara Cemetery
2370 N. “H” Street
Oxnard, CA