Fired Wells Fargo Workers who Behaved Ethically file a Class Action
The Wells Fargo scandal, in which employees of the giant bank opened up accounts for customers without their permission or even knowledge to meet aggressive quotas, has taken another turn according to CNBC. The employees who engaged in this illegal and unethical practice were fired when they were found out.
However, another group of employees, who did not join in opening up accounts for people whether they wanted them or not, often did not meet the quotas and, as a consequence were demoted, penalized, compelled to resign or outright fired. Two former employees of the bank have filed a class action lawsuit asking for $2.6 billion from Wells Fargo to be paid to those employees who did not engage in unethical behavior and were penalized as a result.
The $12
The lawsuit constitutes a public relations nightmare for Wells Fargo that is likely to hurt its bottom line beyond any court settlement that
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